SPS.bm Celebrates Kicks off its 6th Year Gifting $55,000 worth of School Supplies to Public Primary Schools

Support Public Schools, Bermuda (SPS.bm) is kicking off their 6th year facilitating the gifting of over $55,000 worth of school supplies for all public primary schools to help enhance learning in the classroom. Delivery days this year will be on January 23rdand 24th and again in June 2024.
This year SPS will be delivering to P3 and P6 classrooms at all 17 public primary schools including their art, P.E. teachers and librarians.
Since SPS was founded in 2018, more than $520,000 in new school supplies have been purchased by SPS supporters for public school classrooms. In addition, hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of second-hand office and school supplies, including computers and furniture, have been donated to all public schools.
Generous repeat supporters this year include Butterfield, the Green Family, Butterfield & Vallis, Deloitte, MS Reinsurance, Chubb, Enstar Ltd., KPMG, Mosaic, ABS, as well as other corporate and individual contributions.
Additional good quality second-hand office and school supplies, including 50 PCs and monitors, 50 desks and cubicles, bindersand paper, have generously been donated by various companies including Fidelity, Appleby, Kennedy’s and the FreisenbruchGroup.
This school year brings a slew of new supporters as the word about SPS.bm spreads. These include The Meritus Foundationwho made an incredibly generous first-time purchase of $10,000. SPS is elated to have been selected as a MeritusFoundation Fellow Award Winner for 2024. This award recognises community leaders who are helping People and Planet and demonstrating the Foundation’s promoted values of passion, courage, humility, and empathy.
Michelle Wolfe, Chair & Family Counsel representing the MeritusFoundation said:
“As advocates for education and champions of Bermuda’s future, The Meritus Foundation is delighted to contribute our purchase of $10,000 worth of school supplies to benefit Support Public Schools. We firmly believe that by supporting education, we are shaping a future where every child in Bermuda can thrive. This contribution is a reflection of our dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of our next generation.”
Butterfield has been SPS’ most avid supporter since inception, giving every year for 6 years. Mr. Jody Feldman, Managing Director said:
SPS founder and main organizer Juliana Snelling said:
“Studies show that students who are equipped with good quality school supplies are motivated and excited to learn, leading to improved grades, creativity, attitudes towards learning, and positive behaviour. Having a creative classroom experience also promotes greater confidence and the development of essential social skills. In short, having good school supplies positively impacts the life of the student from the ground up, and directly impacts their success. SPS wants to foster this success by giving our students the instructional resources they need to reach their full learning potential.
On behalf of SPS and the public schools we benefit, I wish to express our huge appreciation, first and foremost to our two biggest supporters this term, namely Butterfield, who has given so generously every year since our inception(including $10,000 this term), and The Meritus Foundation with their awesome purchase of $10,000 worth of supplies. We are also incredibly grateful for the participation of ourpast and new supporters, whether you are a company renewing your pledge of $5,000 or one of our individual supporters who took the time and initiative to spend $100 on glue sticks. Without your belief and support in the importance of a quality education for our public schoolstudents, this project would not get off the ground each year. Your support gives us the spring in our step to continue on with our quest to enhance public school education.”
The goal of SPS is to equip Bermuda’s public school students with the instructional resources that they need to enhance learning in the classroom. Each year public school teachers provide SPS with “wish lists” of what will improve theirclassroom experience. This year the items included fidget chair bands, electric sharpeners, board games, STEM Kits, CDs for Listening Centers, wobble cushions, noise cancelling headphones, geometry sets, laminators, sand timers, and more. Supporters can respond to the specific classroom need that inspires them. These items are then made available for purchase at discounted prices by SPS’ two retail suppliers, AF Smith Ltd.and Phoenix Group Ltd. The stores then deliver the supplies directly to the classrooms free of charge on designated delivery days overseen by SPS.bm volunteers at least twice per year.
Principals, teachers, and students then send thank-you letters describing how the supplies are helping to improve the classroom experience. Supporters can visit the website SPS.bm to read moving letters from principals, teachers and pupils who attest to how the SPS supplies are being put into amazing use. Harrington Sound Primary Principal Ms. Cindy Weeks expressed thanks during SPS’ last round of deliveries, stating:
“The Harrington Sound Primacy School was absolutely delighted to once again have received amazing supplies and additional donations. The teachers were also very grateful and surprised. All will be put to great use in the classrooms and the students will have great fun with the supplies and games that were provided. We always appreciate the generosity of our community partners, and we are forever thankful for the vision of SPS. From the HSPS family, we send a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for the kindness.”
SPS.bm is proud to have been selected by The Bermudian Magazine as the 2019 winner of the Public and Service Award in the category of Company Community Project.
To learn more, visit the website SPS.bm or email SPSteam@sps.bm or tel. 296-8444 at Canterbury Law, a proud supporter of SPS.bm.